If you have a complaint concerning an optometrist, please complete a complaint form and the Authorization for Release of Medical or Sales Records and submit it to the Board of Optometry.
Printable complaint form: download here.
Completed and signed complaint forms can be scanned and emailed to: or
mailed to: West Virginia Board of Optometry 179 Summers Street, Suite 231, Charleston, WV 25301
Upon receipt of a complaint, the optometrist is notified of the complaint, requested to review the patient’s file, and contact the patient to attempt to resolve the complaint.
If it appears that a violation of the Optometry Practice Act has occurred that requires direct action, an investigation may be opened to verify facts and gather necessary evidence for the Attorney General’s review and possible initiation of legal proceedings.
If the facts surrounding a complaint do not justify legal action by the board, the complaint may be referred to another jurisdictional agency that will provide the most effective means to secure relief. As the board has no statutory authority to set or modify fees charged by licensed optometrists or compel refunds, it may refer complaints with unresolved fee disputes to Small Claims Court.